Who We Are

How We Came To Be

In 2011, the Global CMTC Alliance Organization was formed solely by US members, and originally given the name CMTC-OVM US. The documents were filed by an attorney to legally become a non-profit 501 (c) (3) charity organization. We are a global non-profit organization, whose activities are aimed at the well-being of people who suffer from vascular malformations such as CMTC (Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita) and to stimulate the scientific research of such conditions. Objectives of the CMTC Alliance organization are focused to provide our members with knowledge, medical support that can enhance their confidence and independence, and to empower them with the skills to meet their individual needs. Although we maintain all rights to CMTC-OVM US; in January of 2019, we were certified with the DBA name of CMTC Alliance. 

The CMTC Alliance Organization is a private entity governed by no other organization(s). We operate by the guidance of a board of directors. And, all financial support is received through our members, donors, and fundraising projects.

The CMTC Alliance Organization provides an annual conference, where families can receive evidence-based & up-to-date informative presentations by the leading experts on vascular malformations. Also available are clinical evaluations, free-of-charge, by the attending physicians.

The Board of Directors works diligently to make every effort to accommodate as many members as possible. Therefore, the annual conferences are held in different locations across the United States.

In addition to the annual conference, a Family Day is planned the day before the conference, to allow everyone the opportunity to get to know one another. This is an excellent time for the kids (of all ages) to play and realize they are not making this journey alone!

Be sure to connect with us on Facebook.