
Financial Picture1Financials

The most important part of our finances is the wonderful things we use our contributions toward. Almost our entire annual budget goes towards putting on the annual conference. As a conference that is free to the entire member’s family – including breakfast and lunch, and the annual family event the night before – the conference is the largest expenditure of our funds and by far the most rewarding. Families receive a free medical evaluation, support from other CMTC Alliance families, and the opportunity to begin a lifelong relationship with the organization. The International CMTC Alliance organization has also attended the NORD conference (with the help of a mostly paid scholarship from NORD) to help spread awareness and represent the rare disorders in our CMTC Alliance group.

As an organization with a reach across a great nation and around the world, we have great possibilities for the amount of capital we could raise for our organization. The goal is to figure out the how.

We first look within – our members. We have a number of members that regularly contribute each year. Contributions generally start from families that attend the annual conference and realize what a valuable experience it is to a new family and want to help to continue to provide this experience for other families in future years. We need families to continue this generosity to keep providing the conference from year to year.

We also receive donations from outside donors. These typically come from the board members’ employers and family businesses. In 2014, we started having successful fundraising activities put on by the board and by members.

It can be a struggle to raise the amount of capital we would like to achieve even more of our aspirations for the organization. One goal is to get more participation in recurring annual contributions from our members. Another goal is to reach more outside – grants, fundraising, corporate sponsors and donation from outside organizations so it does not make the members be the only supporters of the organization.

Together we make our organization what we want it to be. If you want to be involved in any way, please let us know. We are always in need of help in many ways!

Tabatha Broussard, CPA


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Our organization needs help fundraising. We have small goals in mind but we need the members of the organization to help! Please contact if you are willing to help with any fundraising effort. If you have experience in large scale fundraising, I would love to hear from you to get some ideas!

Andrea West

Fundraising Chair